Odin allows you to use many more datatypes that normally are not easy to handle in Unity, like dictionaries and interfaces.

Odin fixes the limitations of Unity and improves the overall quality of life by making things simpler and more efficient.

Odin simplifies the process of editing scriptable objects by enabling in-inspector editing.

Odin has a much more robust and flexible serialization system than Unity, which can make it much easier to save and load data between scenes and sessions.

Odin allows you to interact with your data in an efficient way, improving your speed and making it less painful to iterate.

Odin let's you add nicely formatted tables to your game components, letting you view your data in a meaningful centralized place

Odin allows you to set up validation rules for your data, which can help catch errors and ensure that your code is behaving correctly.

Odin makes it much easier to navigate and understand your code, especially as your project grows larger.

Odin has an extensive and well-written documentation, as well as an active community of users and developers who can provide help and support

Get Odin Inspector from Unity Asset store